I found a javac bug

Posted on April 17, 2017 by Aaron Rotenberg
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JDK-8178701: Compile error with switch statement on protected enum defined in parent inner class

I discovered this bug when I wrote some code that compiled in Eclipse, committed it, and then got an email a few minutes later from our Jenkins continuous integration server saying that the build failed. From the error message, I managed to track it down to a specific section of code that compiled in Eclipse but gave a compile error in javac.

This isn’t the first time I’ve ran into a Java compiler or standard library bug while developing CertSAFE, nor is it the first time that I’ve submitted a bug report via the Oracle web form. However, it is the first time that I’ve had a report accepted and published as a verified OpenJDK bug.

I’m always happy when I find a compiler bug, because it makes me feel better about bugs in my code to know that the platform developers screw up too.